We deliver community infrastructure projects, providing holistic end-to-end or selective stages of project delivery. We have vast experience in working within the public domain, liaising with relevant agencies and authorities, and working closely with the community and key stakeholders.
We provide project management services for a diverse range of projects, large, medium or small. This may include the planning, design, procurement and client side construction supervision of infrastructure projects, the undertaking of various studies, or project managing the procurement processes for various services. We provide both lead consultant services within a project team environment as well as the provision of required disciplines.
We provide a range of professional design expertise in civil engineering, stormwater and flood management, traffic engineering and road safety including education campaigns, landscape architecture and urban design including streetscapes, parks and playgrounds, building architectural design for community buildings such as park pavilions and community centres and the design of sustainability measures including water sensitive urban design, energy efficiencies and cooling initiatives.
We provide tendering services, managing the entire procurement process for both capital projects and operational service contracts, including documentation preparation, advertising, evaluation panel assessment, contract award and execution, and contract implementation. This includes, but not limited to, capital project contracts for all community infrastructure works and service contracts such as domestic and commercial waste management, parking meter and multi level car park management, street furniture provision including bus shelter advertising services and multifunctional poles.
We provide contract management and construction site supervision primarily for community infrastructure works. We have a diverse range of skills and experience to successfully deliver a broad range of infrastructure projects, ranging in complexity, to a high standard and within agreed timeframes. We understand and work within funding agreements and some challenging committed timeframes. We can fast track our project delivery given our strong demonstrated experience working within the public domain, yet still achieve high-end outcomes.
We undertake stakeholder engagement and community liaison for projects working closely with our clients and their stakeholders, to ensure effective problem resolution, issues management and risk mitigation throughout project delivery to maximise the success of our projects.
Asset Management
Asset management services are provided for all types of infrastructure assets. We have a thorough understanding of the requirement for effective operational contracts for the optimal management of community infrastructure assets.
We prepare asset strategies, asset management plans (AMP’s) and undertake asset valuations for community infrastructure assets, such as but not limited to roads, drainage, footpaths, cycleways, bridges, traffic devices, street furniture and lighting, parking meters and car parks, buildings and amenities, parks, playgrounds, sportsgrounds, bushland and natural waterways.
We offer services to seek funding opportunities for identified gaps and prepare submissions, including seeking special rate variations (SRV’s) from the Office of Local Government (OLG).
We provide condition audits and undertake inspections and complete full assessments for all asset classes. We provide prioritisation lists of required works based on selected criteria to inform AMP’s, long term financial plans (LTFP’s) and all related strategic documents. We provide risk assessments for various situations given our vast experience in managing assets within the public domain.
We provide contract management services for the optimal management of community assets, managing the entire procurement process, including documentation preparation, advertising, evaluation panel assessment, contract award and execution, and contract implementation. Service contracts include, but not limited to, domestic and commercial waste management, parking meter and multi level car park management, street furniture provision including bus shelter advertising services and multifunctional poles.
We offer development impact assessment and advice, and voluntary planning agreement negotiations and preparation, related to public asset improvements.
Business Improvement
Through our considered consultative and coaching approach, we embed business improvements in organisations, to assist their delivery of operational services which significantly improve their productivity.
With our expertise in providing operational services, our team can facilitate and identify improvements in processes, services and performance, identifying and removing barriers and achieving efficiency gains.
Our reviews go beyond operational teams and extend across organisational teams including finance & governance. Our solutions are embedded to achieve value for money outcomes.
We work together with our clients to establish their required project management office (PMO) and customised project methodology to suit their business needs. This includes the review and implementation of project governance structure, processes & procedures, tools & templates and systems to effectively deliver projects.
We have extensive experience in managing change strategically whilst maintaining a positive workforce by effective communication and understanding and overcoming any associated challenges.
We are highly experienced in reviewing structure to support the optimal delivery of outcomes with best value for money practical solutions.