Commenced in February 2023 and working together with Council’s assets team, Stefan Consulting developed a prioritisation tool and associated methodology and criteria to assess Council’s entire buildings asset portfolio. Approximately 300 buildings were assessed across the local government area, identifying funding gaps and informing Council’s asset management plan, long term financial plan and ultimately a prioritised capital works program.
Engaged in October 2022, Stefan Consulting provided project and contract management services in overseeing the public tender procurement of providers to install and manage advertising assets on selected new and existing bus shelters. Submissions were sought from experienced out-of-home advertising companies who could meet Council’s primary objective to generate revenue for Council to fund other essential services. The tender was successfully awarded and the implementation of this significant contract commenced on 1 July 2023 with Stefan Consulting retained to manage the ‘roll-out’.
Stefan Consulting was engaged in September 2023 to undertake the civil and traffic design and associated services for the design of two raised pedestrian (wombat) crossings in Water Street and Cleveland Street, Wahroonga. The designs will include improved road and traffic safety and improvements to the road geometry, kerb & gutter, footpaths and access to properties. It will also include street lighting improvements.
Working closely with Council’s projects team and community engagement team, Stefan Consulting is providing essential community liaison services, which commenced in September 2023, for this streetscape project. It is anticipated that the project will showcase the many benefits of streetscape improvements, incorporating the community’s and stakeholder feedback, vital to the project’s success.